A  voucher is a certificate that can be used to purchase a particular good or service. A
voucher  is  the  same  as  money  except  that  it  can be used only to purchase the good or
service specified. A school voucher is issued by a government agency to a parent (or legal
guardian) for the purpose of paying tuition at a participating private or government school.
The school returns the voucher to the government agency and is paid a specified amount.

    A  school  voucher  plan  is the legislation, constitutional provisions, and administrative
policies  adopted  to  implement  school  vouchers.  School  vouchers  create  a  competitive education marketplace, where private and government, religious and secular, not-for-profit and for-profit schools compete for tuition dollars controlled by parents. This is not laissez-
faire  market competition, since parents are subsidized and participating schools may be
subject to some regulation.

1.  In the Year 2000
    All children will start school ready to learn. Projects include
    health immunizations, nutrition and prenatal care and
    preschool reading.

2.  In the Year 2000
    The high school graduation rate will increase to at least 96
    percent. It was 86 percent at last measurement in 1997.

3.  In the Year 2000
    All students will become competent in challenging subject
4.  In the Year 2000
    A voluntary national test in reading, math and other subjects
    is used to measure this goal as states have their own
    achievement tests.

5.  In the Year 2000
    Teachers will have the knowledge and skills they need.
    U.S. students will be the first in the world in math and
6.  In the Year 2000
    Every adult American will be literate.

7.  In the Year 2000
    Schools will be safe, disciplined, and free of drugs, guns and

8.  In the Year 2000
    Schools will promote parental involvement and participation.
School Vouchers